DialersPro.com - Paperless Marketing System


Dialer Pro Default Workflow

Common general workflow -> lead creation, management and production:
Lead Creation:
Guide your agents on how to use the dialer screen to create leads or enter leads through Lead Card screen.
Dialer screen (lead generation).
Lead Card (external lead entry).
Lead Processing:
Follow instructions in the Validation screen to approve the leads and send them to Appointment Confirmation screen.
Room Manager (lead validation).
Follow instructions in the Appointment Conformation screen to confirm the leads and send them to Dispatch screen.
Confirmation (lead confirmation).
Follow instructions in the Dispatch screen to dispatch appointments and process the results.
Dispatch (lead dispatch).
Appointment results:
Follow instructions in the Production screen to process sale results.
Production (lead production).
Follow instructions in the Rehash screen to process not sold leads.
Rehash (Lead resale).
Screens by relevance:
Room Manager:
General Useful screens:
General real time reports and statistics:
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