Navigate to the Lead Card Screen:
Click the
button at the top taskbar.
Purpose of the Lead Card Screen:
Lead screen is used to enter a new lead into the system from an outside source.
What you see in the Lead Card Screen:
Company selects the company.
Source selects the source.
Name field contains the client name.
Marital Status field contains the clients marital status.
Address, city, state and zip fields contain the clients address.
Years In Home field contains the amount of years the client lived in the current address.
Main field contains the main phone number.
Choose Product button is used to select a product.
Date/Time field is used to select the appointment date.
Notes box is used to store notes about the current lead.
Please Confirm dispositions the lead to Confirmation.
Confirmed dispositions the lead to Dispatch.
Rehash dispositions the lead to Rehash.
Don't call again. dispositions the lead to tossed leads.
Create new appointment for a new customer confirms disposition selection.
Close closes the Lead Card Screen.
How to use the Lead Card Screen:
Disposition an Archived Rehash / Reload Lead.
Select the company in Company.
Select the source in Source.
Select the agent in Agent.
Fill in the client name in Name (5).
Fill in the marital status in Marital Status (6).
Fill in the clients address in Address, city, state and zip (7).
Fill in the number of years in the house in Years In Home (8).
Fill in the phone number in Main (9).
Click on Choose Product to choose the product.
Click on Date/Time to select the appointment date and time.
Fill in the relevant notes in Notes (12).
Disposition the lead accordingly:
Click on Please Confirm to send the lead to Confirmation.
Click on Confirmed to send the lead to Dispatch.
Click on Rehash to send the lead to Rehash.
Click on Don't call again. to send the lead to tossed leads.
Click on Create new appointment for a new customer to confirm disposition.