DialersPro.com - Paperless Marketing System


Dialer Pro - Dispatch a Lead

Navigate to the Dispatch Screen: 
Click the button at the top taskbar.
Purpose of the Dispatch screen:
Dispatch screen is used by the Dispatcher to Dispatch leads that are been confirmed by the Confirmator. The Dispatcher is able to listen to recordings, change lead details, call clients, send salesmen to the appointment and update appointment results. The Dispatcher is able to check the address in Bing and Google maps, check Zillow estimate and check 411 reverse phone and address. The Dispatcher can send an email and text message to the client and/or the salesman. He can check the history of the lead.
What you see in the Dispatch screen:
How to use the Dispatch screen:
What you see in the Dispatch Appointment screen:
How to use the Dispatch Appointment screen:
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