DialersPro.com - Paperless Marketing System


Dialer Pro - Production

This screen is used for project management. This screen tabs contain scheduled payments, contractors, budget, invoices,
accounting, open Payments and inspections associated with the project.
Projects - projects list.
Details - project details.
Scheduled payments - scheduled payments associated with the project.
Contractors - contractors associated with the project.
Budget - budget associated with the project.
Invoices - invoices associated with the project.
Accounting - accounting associated with the project.
Status - this screen allows the user to see and modify the project status and other project details.
Notes - this screen is used to create, modify, and delete various notes.
Open SP - open payments associated with the project.
Tasks - this screen is used to view the current project tasks.
Contracts - this screen is used to view the current open projects list showing current task stage for each project.
P & L - this screen is used to view the real-time profit and loss table.
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