DialersPro.com - Paperless Marketing System



Navigate to the Tasks tab: 
Click the button at the top taskbar. -> Tasks tab.
Purpose of the Tasks tab: 
This screen is used to view the current project tasks.
What you see in the Tasks tab: 
10. Assign tasks that will be required to be completed before the selected task can start.
11. Assign tasks that will start only after the selected task can is completed.
12. Assign a scheduled payment to this task.
13. Selected task notes.
14. Manage Tasks button opens the manage tasks screen.
15. Projects' Docs button opens project documents menu.
16. H button opens the lead history screen.
17. Send SMS to assigned to ____________ mobile.
Purpose of the Manage Tasks screen:
This screen allows the user to create, edit or delete tasks.
What you see in the Manage Tasks screen: 
8. Assign tasks that will be required to be completed before the selected task can start.
9. Assign tasks that will start only after the selected task can is completed.
10. Assign a scheduled payment to this task.
11. Selected task notes.
12. Apply a pre-build tasks template containing relevant tasks for a specific project.
13. Add Task button creates a new task.
14. Edit Task button edit an existing task.
15. Delete Task button deletes an existing task.
16. Close form button closes the existing form.
17. H button opens the lead history screen.
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