DialersPro.com - Paperless Marketing System


Dialer Pro - User Manual

Dialer Pro has a few buttons for the most common functions, and menus for the rest.
Dialer Pro - Menus and Buttons - a brief description of the menus and buttons and links to relevant help pages.
Dialer Pro - File menu - log off, change password and set default printer.
Dialer Pro - Edit menu - undo, redo, cut, copy, paste, select all and find.
Dialer Pro - Reports & Audit menu - this menu contains Dialer Pro various reports and audits.
Dialer Pro - System menu - this menu is used to manage different aspects of the program.
Dialer Pro - Dialer menu - this menu is used to monitor, setup and control the dialer functions.
Dialer Pro - Help menu - main help menu and About page.
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