This screen allows you to view all SMS that was sent through the program. You are able to see when it was sent, who sent it, the senders phone number, the message content and if the message went through or not. If there was an error during the sending process you can find the error details here.
What you see in the View SMS Sent log Screen:
OK checkmark box shows if the SMS was sent successfully.
Sent SMS log.
Message Body contains the SMS content.
Errors Sending contains the occurred errors and the error information.
How to use the View SMS Sent log Screen:
Find and view the required SMS -
Find the necessary SMS in the sent SMS list.
Click on the row of the required SMS to read the SMS content in Message Body.
SMS Troubleshoot –
Find the necessary SMS in the sent SMS list.
Click on the row of the required SMS.
Check if in the OK column the checkmark box is checked.