We believe that business owner should be able to see every aspect of his / her business effortlessly so proper reaction to events can be made and the organization can be tuned to the right direction.
As business owner your first duty is to bring customers to your company, so sales can be made and money pours in. Surly the best way to do it is to insure that the telemarketing room functions at top possible level.
To insure just that, a few points that should attract business owner attention are:
Average Waiting Time. Should be around 5 seconds. Over 20 - you must do something about it, tune the dialer ETC. On large room of over 30 telemarketers - 2 seconds is possible and recommended.
When it comes to predictive dialers, six is third of twelve, not half as you may think - Read Why. This is why the owner should maximize the number of telemarketers that are actually dialing of the total number of telemarketers that show up that day. You'll be surprised what percent of people are doing things other that dial out, and as we say - On a predictive Dialer, Six is Third, not Half of Twelve...
When working with Predictive Dialer, every call should be dispositioned. Some dispositioned as not interested or answer machine, and will be dialed again. Some go into the Do Not Call list. Those numbers will never be called again. Real numbers, with real people can be dispositioned as DNC. Business owner MUST ensure that telemarketers receive proper training about who they should move to the DNC. We have seen telemarketers who disposition 60% of their calls to the DNC, for years! Recommended number is 1% - 5%.
Percent of calls taken by the telemarketer of the total calls sent to him/her by the dialer. Telemarketers not always taking calls that sent to them from the dialer. Owner should check and see that around 60% of the calls are taken by the telemarketer.
Ratio of Leads to Telemarketers worked that day. Should be around 1.
Average numbers of calls per telemarketer.
Numbers of calls per hour placed by the call center.
In order to achieve all that, Dialer Pro is offering a special menu for the owner, obviously named "Owner"
This feature allows you to see in real time how your call room works. It will show you a few major details you should seriously regard:
Average waiting time between calls. Should be around 5 seconds. Occasionally will rise to 20 seconds. Above 20 seconds, you should check and tune the dialer.
Number of telemarketers that are working, number of telemarketers who are talking or waiting for a call. It is VERY important for you to know that when it comes to predictive dialer, five is not half of ten, but maybe a quarter. Read this article to understand it. You want to make sure that maximum number of telemarketers are on the phone. In simple words, the sum of Talking + Fetching should be a close as possible to the number you see left to the On!
Other important details are what every telemarketer is doing (Talk, Waiting, In Lead Card ETC.) Such information should alert you should you see someone waiting for a call for 30 minutes...
Note that this form runs as independent window, and it is recommended to have two monitors, and have it run all day long in one of them.
Show you statistics about your call room. This screen teaches you how many calls your dialer placed, and more important what your agents are doing with those calls.
Important details here are:
Percent of people telemarketer is talking to from the total calls he / she got from the dialer.
Percent of clients marked as Do Not Call of the total number of clients he / she talk to.
Total number of leads produced.
Ratio of Telemarketers / Leads. Should be around 1 (That is one lead per telemarketer per day.)