Navigate to the Approve Payments screen:
Click the
button at the top taskbar. -> Accounting tab -> All Projects, Payable -> Approve Payable
Purpose of the Approve Payments screen:
This screen is used to view pending payments and approve them.
What you see in the Approve Payments screen:
Salesman name, call salesman and send a text to the salesman.
Manager name, call manager and send a text to the manager.
Payments to approve list.
Details for check #______. What invoices are covered.
List of all payables in the selected project.
Payment additional information.
All scheduled payments in the selected project.
Edit payment button. Edits the selected payment.
Save button. Saves your changes.
Cancel button. Cancels your changes.
Total payables to approve field.
Total approved to be paid field.
How to use the Approve Payments screen:
Click on the required payment waiting to be approved in payments to approve list.
Click the spacebar to change the payment status. New, OK 2 Pay and NO Pay statuses exist.
Save changes by clicking on the save button.