
Strong, Fast & Nimble Predictive Dialers

"It's not the answer that matters, but rather how many times you've asked the question."

In short, why leads management software is a MUST! This little story will lay it all out for you:

Lead Management Software - Ask clients over and over till they say yesWhen was the last time you drove and saw a "strawberries" sign along the road?

At the first sign you see, you won't even slow your car... Who needs strawberries???

Then, in half mile, you notice the second "strawberries" sign, and now you realize that strawberries are nice, and that you may buy a few next week.

Then, the third sign shows up, and this time your stomach asks you, "Have you eaten strawberries lately? If not, then why haven't you?"

Then, the fourth sign appears, and you can sense the sweetness of a fresh strawberry on your tongue, so when you see finally the strawberry stand, you slam the brakes and stop to buy some!

What does this story have to do with the marketing cycle?

Telemarketing, and any other kind of advertising, only creates the initial interaction with the prospective client. But how many of those prospective clients actually end up buying at the first sales appointment?

25 percent, if the best salesmen are at your service.

So what do you do with the the clients you've contacted, whose information you have at hand, but did not buy at the first sales meeting?

The most common answer would be: "Its a numbers game. Let's move on to the next..."

Remember the saying, "It's not the answer that matters, but rather how many times you've asked the question."

The way a lead cycle around

This is where the story of the "strawberries" signs kicks in.

DialersPro's unique selling cycle will keep showing your prospective clients - your "strawberries" signs - until a much larger percent of them eventually buys your product/services.

This feature should justify your investment in DialersPro within a few short months.





To sum it all up, you should use DialersPro, the sooner the better. Contact Us Now

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