DialersPro.com - Paperless Marketing System



Navigate to the Accounting tab: 
Click the button at the top taskbar. -> Accounting tab.
Purpose of the Accounting tab: 
This screen allows to create and modify receivable payments, payable payments, salesman commission payments and agent commission payments.
The user can see all available payments or payments associated with the currently selected project.
To update a receivable payment, follow instructions in Receivable Screen.
NOTE: Payments from clients, etc.
To pay an existing invoice in the system follow instructions in Pay Open Invoices.
To enter new payable without an invoice follow instructions in New Payable.
NOTE: Home Depot materials, etc.
 Entering the payable as paid already is optional.
To pay the salesman commission follow instructions in Salesman Commission.
NOTE: Salesman commission checks.
To create, approve an open invoice or issue payments on all open payables follow instructions in Create, Approve and Issue Payments screen.
NOTE: Approve invoices. Approve checks to write. Issue checks to QB.
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