Purpose of the Manage Schedule Payments Screen:
This screen is used to create and manage scheduled payments.
What you see in the Manage Schedule Payments Screen:
Project $ amount: field contains total sale amount.
Total Schedule Payments: field contains total schedule payments amount.
Balance - MUST BE 0! field contains the difference between field (3) and field (4).
New Schedule Payment button creates a new scheduled payment.
Edit Schedule Payment button edits the selected payment.
Delete Schedule Payment deletes selected scheduled payment.
View Payment button allows to preview the payment attached to the scheduled payment.
Close Form button closes the form.
How to use the Manage Schedule Payments Screen:
Add new scheduled payments, if necessary.
Click on New Schedule Payment.
Fill the Amount, Should be paid upon, Expected to be paid at and notes fields.
Edit existing scheduled payments.
Select the required scheduled payment from Schedule Payments list (2).
Click on Edit Schedule Payment (7).
Edit the necessary fields.
Click on Save to save the changes.
NOTE: total Schedule Payments has to match the Project $ amount to continue.