DialersPro.com - Paperless Marketing System


Dynamic Caller ID (DCID)

Navigate to the Dialer Status and setup - Dialer Setup - Dynamic Caller ID (DCID) Screen:
Menu -> Dialer -> Dialer Status and setup ->  Dialer Setup -> Dynamic Caller ID (DCID) Setting
Purpose of the Dialer Status and setup - Dialer Setup - Dynamic Caller ID (DCID) Screen:
This screen is used to designate dynamic caller IDs for Dialer Pro. Caller IDs can be designated to be The And caller IDs based on the following settings:
Dialer Pro chooses the relevant caller ID based on order importance starting from the top.
What you see in the Dialer Status and setup - Dialer Setup - Dynamic Caller ID (DCID) Screen:
How to use the Dialer Status and setup - Dialer Setup - Dynamic Caller ID (DCID) Screen:
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