Dialer Pro - Future appointments for completed projects
Navigate to the Future appointments for completed projects screen:
Click the
button at the top taskbar.
Purpose of the Future appointments for completed projects screen:
Sale Again screen is used to processes sold leads to get more leads.
What you see in the Future appointments for completed projects screen:
Dates list organizes the Rehash/Reload appointments by date.
Clients list table contains the selected date in Dates list (2) appointments information.
Initial Lead Information / Appointment Information tabs.
Initial Lead Information / Appointment Information tabs details.
Set Appointment allows to disposition the selected appointment.
Print Card prints the lead information.
H is used to open the lead history.
How to use the Future appointments for completed projects screen:
What you see in the Setup Appointments screen:
Appointment Date / Time: is used to set up the appointment date and time.
Phone call memo: is used to put notes about the new appointment.
Company is used to select a company.
Pls Confirm dispositions the lead to the confirmation screen.
Preserve Status – Call Later dispositions the lead back in the rehash/reload screen.
Archive Lead dispositions the lead to the archive.
Machine or no answer – set another call to dispositions the lead back in the rehash reload screen with appointment date 24 hours from now.
Cancel cancels the changes.
How to use the Setup Appointments screen:
Disposition a Rehash / Reload Screen.
Click on Appointment Date / Time to choose an the appointment date and time.
Click on Company to select a company.
Click on Phone call memo to put a note about the appointment.
To send the lead to confirmation click Pls Confirm.
To send the lead back to rehash/reload click Preserve Status – Call Later.
To send the lead to the archive click Archive Lead.
To schedule a follow up for 24 hour from now and leave the lead in the rehash/reload screen click on Machine or no answer – set another call to.
Click on Save to save the changes.
Click on Cancel to cancel the changes.